Welcome to our Homepage.

The Cube service business has been operating nation-wide for more than 10 years.
Headquarters are in 31319 Sehnde, An der Beeke 31, where we plan and coordinate orders of assembly , disassembly and transfer.
We are able to hire experienced skilled-workers at any time in addition to our own staff in order to adhere to agreed schedules. We have great know-how and long-standing experience in all areas of operation at our disposal.
Don't hesitate to contact us  we are looking forward to meeting you!



Wohnort: Ja Nein

Hier stellen sie einen Kontakt mit ihren standart Email - Programm her.

Tel: 05138 - 6015452

Mobil: 0178 - 5106379

Fax: 05138 - 6015452

Inhaber: Martina Baran

An der Beeke 31

31319 Sehnde, OT Bolzum

Tel.: 05138-6015452

Fax: 05138-6015453

Mobil: 0178-5106379

Email: info@messebau-cube.de

Geschäftsführerin: Martina Baran

Ust.- ID Nr.: DE226220253